hot bliggity blog

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I had some sad news last night. Hannah, my teaching friend, called me to give me an update on how school was yesterday with the holidays parties, etc. She told me that one of my students was beat up by another student in our Pod. I was so upset. This student has come a long way of using self-control since the beginning of the school year. He's grown up a lot. We are still making progress. It is a work in itself.

Anyhoo, she explained to me what happened. After getting off the phone, I began to cry. I couldn't believe it. I cry over anything these days. I sat and thought about why I could have been crying. I called Emily to help me figure it out. She said that I'm so nurturing that I can't help but wish I was there to take care of things, of him. It's so true. I wish I would have been there just to hug him to make sure to tell him that I am very glad that he used self-control by not hitting back. I've now realized that I'm becoming very close with my students. I'm like their mother duck. If someone hurts them, I feel responsible and hurt as well. It's tough, being a teacher and having to always be brave and stick up for those who need it.

I think back to my teachers, many of them would've done anything for us. Others, not so much. For most of them, I think they would take the time to listen to what we needed to say. When I get back to school, I'm going to make sure to let my students know that I care about them.
Because knowing that someone cares about you is very important as a young person.

Thanks to my parents, grandparents, Alex and my friends, this is the person I am. Nurturing.
Deal with it.

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