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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Everett Dale Baptism 7-14-2012

On July 14, 2012 Everett Dale was baptized at La Croix Methodist Church in Cape Girardeau, MO. On that same day, Daddy (Alex) became a member of the church. This was an exciting day and full of joy. The heavens and angels were rejoicing!
He did such a good job and was awake the entire time.
 Here is a GREAT picture of 4 generations! Steve Dale Skelton, Alex Skelton, Charlie Dale Skelton, and Everett Dale Skelton. 
 One of my favorite pictures of Nana Carrie and Everett! 
 The Skelton Family: Alex/Lauren/Everett; Steve/Susan; Claire; Megan/Ben
 LOVE this family pic. 
 He's so proud to be a daddy.
 Us with Mom and Uncle Hunter
We were so thankful for beautiful weather and family to join us in celebrating life.