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Saturday, February 2, 2013

House Arrest

Today was a good day. Everett and I stayed home, all day long! It was nice to be able to be home and not have an agenda to be out and about. This morning we woke up around 7:00 and had breakfast. Everett was not interested in taking a nap this morning so instead we were bugging Daddy to wake up for work.

Around eleven thirty we had lunch. Everett loves salmon! It's so funny watching him try new foods. I had salmon the other night for dinner when we went out to eat wither another couple. I brought it home for leftovers and the next day, I decided to let him try a bite. He wanted more! He also loves loves loves green beans! After lunch and his bottle, he finally took a nap and slept for two hours!
He definitely was a happy baby after he woke up.

We've figured out why he's been so crabby lately. He's getting yet another tooth! He will officially have 5 teeth. 3 on top and 2 on bottom. Haha. We thought about calling him Hill-billy for awhile.

Tonight will be quiet due to E going to be at 7:30 and he will be tired!