hot bliggity blog

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today is September 11, 2010. It's been nine years since the attack in America. It's amazing how time flies. I can't believe that just that short time ago I was in the 8th grade and walking into second hour at 9:25, I saw that the tv was on. It said, "This is not a joke. Terrorists have just hit the World Trade Center." I didn't even know what a terrorist was then. I didn't know what the World Trade Center was, and I didn't understand why someone would want to do this. Many of us were scared and confused. I will never forget how I felt.

Yesterday, in my class, I taught a reading lesson on the significant event on that day. I read the book that the students at the Kennett, Missouri school wrote about September ,12th. It's very insightful. They talk about how they still went to school, they still had recess, homework, and at night their parents still tucked them in bed and said they loved them. My students were silent. I asked them why do these students talk about the day after?

Many of them gave great answers...the best one was given by a little girl, "They knew that life had to go on, September 11 did not stop Americans from being Americans." Right there is the American pride which we all stand upon.

For Alex and I, today we are spending the day together by getting Direct TV. It looks like we will not be getting it fully installed but the beginning steps. We have a great guy helping us out. Joe.

This afternoon is an exciting birthday party over at the McCadams house. The girls, Ellie and Sophie, are having their 8th birthday party! I'm going to take them for a special trip over to Creative Ewe. We love painting!!!