hot bliggity blog

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Last Week of Summer 2014

Exactly where does time go? We as humans are always depicting our life on the amount of time we have. We wear watches, watch clocks, set timers, set alarms, and we even sometimes schedule down to the minute of how we spend our day.

This summer has been a blast! It started off rough with the school year dragging it's feet. So many people in our area were complaining about having to attend school later than expected. HELLO! We got an entire week off of school in the middle of winter to enjoy. AND! I got to spend 16 days at summer school with your kids so you didn't have to. There. Off my soapbox now....

My time with my husband this summer was precious. Our time together during the school year is limited. We pray and hope that this year things are different. God is faithful and we are constantly leaning on his guidance and grace to show us the next step. The past two years has been a journey and we are looking forward to the plans he has for us. Alex and I enjoyed a weekend in Bucyrus, MO to visit a bed and breakfast as well as a brewery, Piney River. The beer is fantastic and the people are wonderful!
If you ever get a chance to visit Almoost Heaven, the owners are fantastic hosts and can cook like nothing else.
Another excursion was to St. Louis. Yes, we only live 2 hours south, but there are many places that we've never experienced. For one, The Three Kings pub, tasty beer and a chill atmosphere. Of course, throw in some baseball, a metrolink trip, and food. We had a blast!

My time with my son. Everett Dale. He is growing up before my very eyes and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I am always reminding me that I only have him a short while. As of now, he is still my baby boy until 16 years from now when he leaves for college. BOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!! I will be crying like a baby when that day comes.
We didn't take a big vacation this summer due to the fact that Mr. E potty trained. WHoop WHoop! We struggle sometimes with holding it too long, and of course, number 2 is still an experience; HOWEVER, we get the gist of it.
He has learned how to ride his tricycle; he loves swimming and watering plants; playing baseball and football; picking from MawMaw's garden; and hanging out with his friend Mia.

My time alone. I watched a LOT of Netflix after E went to bed. AHHHH...I'm so proud of the seasons I've finished!

My time with my friends. Friends who you see almost daily become like family. Neighbors seem to finish your sentences and start to laugh with you about anything. This has been my summer. Watching Big Brother with Jessica, Alyssa, Ashley, and Dylan has not been one dull moment. Let's not forget Six Flags ladies. Maggie moving into her new house and watching the progress being made. Courtney's (Cookie) new house/moving escapade!

Seasons are changing friends. They change fast and they don't stop. Take it all in moment by moment.