hot bliggity blog

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wrappin like it's goin out of syle!

I am so excited about this new company which I've decided to sell their products! It's called It Works! They have the ultimate body applicators which are the "Skinny Wraps" everyone has been talking about. To this day, I've lost 11.75 inches! I wrapped some family members last night and they can't believe all of the perks and advantages of using these products. Just yesterday I wrapped 8 people and every person was excited about it!

I'm almost to my goal of Executive Distributor. I just need to find another person to help me sell this amazing product! Hopefully it will happen within then next few weeks. I've already met my goal for the first 30 days and that time period is not even over yet! Hah!

Wish me luck!