hot bliggity blog

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Last Week of Summer 2014

Exactly where does time go? We as humans are always depicting our life on the amount of time we have. We wear watches, watch clocks, set timers, set alarms, and we even sometimes schedule down to the minute of how we spend our day.

This summer has been a blast! It started off rough with the school year dragging it's feet. So many people in our area were complaining about having to attend school later than expected. HELLO! We got an entire week off of school in the middle of winter to enjoy. AND! I got to spend 16 days at summer school with your kids so you didn't have to. There. Off my soapbox now....

My time with my husband this summer was precious. Our time together during the school year is limited. We pray and hope that this year things are different. God is faithful and we are constantly leaning on his guidance and grace to show us the next step. The past two years has been a journey and we are looking forward to the plans he has for us. Alex and I enjoyed a weekend in Bucyrus, MO to visit a bed and breakfast as well as a brewery, Piney River. The beer is fantastic and the people are wonderful!
If you ever get a chance to visit Almoost Heaven, the owners are fantastic hosts and can cook like nothing else.
Another excursion was to St. Louis. Yes, we only live 2 hours south, but there are many places that we've never experienced. For one, The Three Kings pub, tasty beer and a chill atmosphere. Of course, throw in some baseball, a metrolink trip, and food. We had a blast!

My time with my son. Everett Dale. He is growing up before my very eyes and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I am always reminding me that I only have him a short while. As of now, he is still my baby boy until 16 years from now when he leaves for college. BOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!! I will be crying like a baby when that day comes.
We didn't take a big vacation this summer due to the fact that Mr. E potty trained. WHoop WHoop! We struggle sometimes with holding it too long, and of course, number 2 is still an experience; HOWEVER, we get the gist of it.
He has learned how to ride his tricycle; he loves swimming and watering plants; playing baseball and football; picking from MawMaw's garden; and hanging out with his friend Mia.

My time alone. I watched a LOT of Netflix after E went to bed. AHHHH...I'm so proud of the seasons I've finished!

My time with my friends. Friends who you see almost daily become like family. Neighbors seem to finish your sentences and start to laugh with you about anything. This has been my summer. Watching Big Brother with Jessica, Alyssa, Ashley, and Dylan has not been one dull moment. Let's not forget Six Flags ladies. Maggie moving into her new house and watching the progress being made. Courtney's (Cookie) new house/moving escapade!

Seasons are changing friends. They change fast and they don't stop. Take it all in moment by moment.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Homecomers 2014

Homecomers this year was a blast! This was our first year that Everett experienced the rides. He loved it!  He rode on the trucks, cars, pink elephants, and the fun slide with daddy. Mommy rode on the pink elephants. We went with John, Ashley, and Mia Litz. Everett and Mia were in our bellies at the same time. Everett was born in April and Mia was born in September. Needless to say, we are close friends. Our kids will grow up together. We already laugh because Everett and Mia are each other's first kiss! We even have it in a pic to embarrass them a few years down the road.

Next year will be great, the kids will be a little bit bigger and we will be a little bit older, that's okay. Ashley and I are going to Six Flags next week for Jessica Kooyer's birthday. It will be interesting!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring is Here!

The other day, our wonderful friend Shannon stopped by to visit E and I between her busy scheduled photo shoots. We love it when she captured moments so precious to our family. 
Moments that are passing by so quickly. As a mom, these moments captured by Shannon are more precious than words can say. Everett will grow so fast very quickly and I will be there only moments to stop and realize that I can't control time. When he smiles, when he cries, even why he's throwing a fit. There will be a a day when I won't hear him call my name. He will always know that I love him dearly. 

Everett Dale is turning 2 in just 2 weeks. He is growing up into a little boy who loves dirt, trucks, and music. He laughs at almost everything while climbing and getting into EVERYTHING. We love you E.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lenten Season 2014

This season of lent, I've decided to give up the vice that I am constantly attached to. Facebook. This is not a new thing. Most moms are on Facebook when they are having a few minutes of quiet time, nap time, waiting in line to pick up a kiddo from school or a friend's house. For me, Facebook has turned into something that I'm constantly wanting to check. The question that I had to ask myself, whatever I gave up, it had to be a sacrifice. Giving up Facebook is a HUGE sacrifice! Giving up the ability to see what my friends and family are doing without calling them. Seeing what the neighborhood weather man says about this crazy season of weather; getting updates on the weekly shows, etc. My Scentsy page is also a huge sacrifice. I use Facebook as a way to connect to my customers as well as my team. What will I do to survive!?

I will actually make human contact with them. I will pick up my phone and call. I will NOT text them. If I want to know how someone is doing, I will call them. I remember a time when we didn't have cell phones. At home, we would spend time passing the phone off to each person to talk to whoever was on the other end of the line. 

We as a family will begin to focus more on the little moments instead of what's going on, on Facebook. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Who am I today? I am a disciple of our Lord. I am a wife to Alex. I am a mother to Everett Dale. I am a teacher to a class full of truly fun kids. I am a memory keeper to my family. I never forget holidays or leave out birthdays. I cherish moments and sometimes begin to cry when I realize that time passes so quickly . 
I don't want to grow up. Growing up means losing track of people, going to bed at 8:00, and being caught up in the world of work. I am staying young this year. I will take more walks. I will slow down with projects. I want to take pride in my time to share with family and friends. 

Having another number added to your life doesn't mean you have to grow up. It means you have another year to live your life and enjoy it. 

26. I will have fun and take it all in. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year with New Goals

OMG! IT'S 2014!!!!!!!!!! Happy New Year!

My fran Courtney, met in college, the rest is history.
The gal pals!
Sitting on Spencer. Poor guy!

 Alex and I had a wonderful time with some of our friends on New Years. Playing games and laughing constantly, memories were made for many years to come. 

Before we headed to the party, Alex, Everett, and I had dinner together at the good ol' El Torero's. We sat and ate and started a conversation of: What do we want for this year? There have been many ups and downs and we both realize that we do not see each other much due to time, schedules, and work. We wrote down on a napkin (yes, many great things are made that way) our goals that we want as a family for 2014. Spending time together appeared three times so we are going to make that happen. One way, we said that we want to take a family trip just the three of us for a weekend somewhere we've never been. Another one was going to a concert together. We didn't go this past year and we love music so much, we have to live life! Another huge goal of ours is to complete Financial Peace University through our church to get ourselves out of debt. It's not as much as some people who are in thousands and thousands of dollars worth, but just enough to where it is holding us back from saving and doing things that we'd like to do, such as finish the basement. 
On the 30th, I made my own list of goals and hopes for 2014. I have them posted on my bathroom door so I will see them everyday for the entire year. I did this last year and I read them at least every week. It helps to have your goals posted right in front of you to remind you of what you want to achieve. 

Last week, with Uncle Ben and Aunt Megan in town, Alex and I gave Susan and Steve (the in-laws) family pictures for their anniversary/Christmas gift. They turned out wonderful and I'm going to dump some pictures from the past couple of months. 
Our Family
Poppy and MeeMaw
And of course, US. This is a perfect presentation of Alex and his love for us. We love you Daddy! 
The kids!

The Skeltons
 December 27th, 2013

A HUGE thank you for Shannon Duggan Photography. She's a wonderful friend, photographer, and woman who is achieving her lifelong dream, taking photographs of lovely people. We love you Shannon!