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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Throwback pics

 Thanksgiving 2011...4 months pregnant.

Here was the first belly pic we took last year.
 Here we were being goofy and silly at a wedding.
Tia Claire and I on the beach. Thanksgiving 2011.

 Destin, Fl. for Thanksgiving 2011

Blogging Strike

So it seems like forever since I've blogged. Maybe I can say I've been on a blogging strike? Or maybe I just have a schedule and it seems like I've lived by it. :(
Well, the good news is that I feel like I'm able to handle the transition into "Mommyhood". With the support of our family and friends, emotionally I'm finally at peace. God's definitely shown grace through this year and my friends, it's been quite a year. 2012 has definitely been the best year and the hardest year of our marriage. Here are the top tens of 2012 (so far).....

10. Being a mom is hard.
9. My class at West Lane is fantastic and wonderful. 
8. My friends are extremely supportive.
7. La Croix is where I'm spiritually fed.
6. Laundry and I don't get along.
5. McDonald's is the best place to have small group.
4. I've met Holly, who is my long, lost friend that God brought me.
3. I've been blessed with a husband who is a Godly man, who talks to me, who loved me for who I am, and who makes dinner and dessert on a night when he knows I'll be tired when I get home.
2. Everett who is my baby boy that I'll forever love. 
1. Being blessed to be a blessing to others from a gracious Father.

There you have it. The year is not quite over so anything is possible. 

As for today, I'm home sick. yesterday was the first day that I began to work out again at CrossFi573. I didn't feel too great in the morning but went anyways. I felt fine again until about 10:30. I just wasn't 100%. Around 7:00 it really hit me. I drove straight home and began to throw up (yes, I made it to the toilet). After, I was literally exhausted. I went to bed around 8:30p.m. and woke up at 8:30 a.m. Needless to say, obviously my body needed rest. This morning, I've felt better but still not 100%. Breakfast stayed down and we will see about lunch.
#mommyprobs #bellyache