hot bliggity blog

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lenten Season 2014

This season of lent, I've decided to give up the vice that I am constantly attached to. Facebook. This is not a new thing. Most moms are on Facebook when they are having a few minutes of quiet time, nap time, waiting in line to pick up a kiddo from school or a friend's house. For me, Facebook has turned into something that I'm constantly wanting to check. The question that I had to ask myself, whatever I gave up, it had to be a sacrifice. Giving up Facebook is a HUGE sacrifice! Giving up the ability to see what my friends and family are doing without calling them. Seeing what the neighborhood weather man says about this crazy season of weather; getting updates on the weekly shows, etc. My Scentsy page is also a huge sacrifice. I use Facebook as a way to connect to my customers as well as my team. What will I do to survive!?

I will actually make human contact with them. I will pick up my phone and call. I will NOT text them. If I want to know how someone is doing, I will call them. I remember a time when we didn't have cell phones. At home, we would spend time passing the phone off to each person to talk to whoever was on the other end of the line. 

We as a family will begin to focus more on the little moments instead of what's going on, on Facebook.