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Friday, August 9, 2013

Snapshot Days

The last weekend of summer. Where has the time gone by? This summer has been the quickest and it has been the best. Everett now in our little family, created a constant laughter, a home full of hugs, kisses, wrestling matches, and toys. It's been the hardest year but I wouldn't trade it for anything else. Being a mom has been the biggest blessing that I've ever received. The Lord truly knows what our hearts desire and he gave me the gift of being a mom.

As school is right around the corner, Everett knows that soon I won't be home with him as much. Every day this past week, I've tried to just take a deep look at him and create a mental picture in my mind. He won't be like this anymore. He will grow overnight and if I don't stop to smell the roses to glance, take-in, breathe the moment, it will be gone.

He's been a "Mama's Boy" the past couple of weeks and secretly, I LOVE IT! It's a comforting feeling to know that he needs me and he wants me near him. I know that this won't last. He is a boy who is busy and will want me to play superheroes as well as cowboys and robbers; let's not forget telling him all of the reasons I love him. I pray that he will grow into a young boy and later on a man who is clothed in the armor of our Lord. Alex and I know that our little man will be full of joy and will be a blessing to those who he meets along his path.

This post is called Snapshot Days because I've been trying to take pictures of Everett almost everyday this summer. He's changed more in the past couple of months and before we know it, his second birthday will be here in 2014. A precious soul and a precious heart he has. We love him more than he will ever know. I suppose that is a parent's job.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

July 30th- Work Day

Tuesday is the first day in my classroom that I'm officially working HARD! I got plenty done BUT I also had E with me so I have to admit, I didn't get as much completed as I wanted to. He's to the point that he wants to be down and running around. Alex brought us lunch and Maggie stopped by in the afternoon to help with E as well.

Tuesday evening, my friend Cindy came over and her daughter Myra watched Everett while we could go out for dinner together. It was so nice! I haven't been out for dinner with a friend in awhile so I didn't stress at all. We went to Outback Steakhouse. Yummy. It was delicious. I had 2 Sangrias along with steak and mashed potatoes with a ceasar salad.

Monday - July something

Monday I could NOT keep track of my days and what specific day it was. Monday was my last unofficial day of summer. It was also considered the last day before we were allowed into our classrooms after a week of waxing. YAY!
With that being said, I tried to spend the day relaxing and taking care of business at home. I ended up just relaxing....

I have to admit, I'm very excited for this school year. There's a new classroom to be created, new students, a new pod that I'm joining, even many new teachers and a new assistant principal! Lots of changes going on at West Lane Elementary, but for the better! We are all getting hyped up for the new year and looking forward to the year.