hot bliggity blog

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nothing LIke the Holidays 2010

This year was pretty exciting! Our first year of being married and spending it together and with family/friends. My dad and family came up from Texas and we spent our Christmas on Tuesday evening with my grandparents in Cape. I am still recovering from my surgery so I was very exciting to be able to have my first official meal of Chinese chicken lo mein noodles with them!

Dad and Robin got Al and I a NookColor for Christmas. It's AWESOME! I'm already on my second book and enjoying the heck out of it. Here is a pic of my enjoying some reading on Christmas Eve before we went to church.
This is a pic of Christmas evening at Nana Betty's and Papa Dennis' house. We had 23 people in this tiny house. As you can see, we had about 12 people in the kitchen at this moment preparing for Bunco!
Claire took this of me on Christmas day at the Skelton's opening gifts.
Alex suprised me with mistletoe on Christmas Eve, how romantic.
This is what we woke up to on Christmas morning! A white Christmas!

More pictures to come on our first Christmas! We enjoyed it and are looking forward to many more!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nook Color

Today I finished my first book on my Nook Color! I read Jenny McCarthy's "Love, Lust, and Faking It." It was so hilarious. My good friend Emily recommended it for me to read. Being young and recently married, she talks a lot about finding yourself before you find someone else to love. She also gives many chapters talking about her own love life. Needless to say, she does not sugar coat anything. I got a kick out of how she puts her own personality into her writing. I would love to meet her someday just to have a conversation with her about love and life. Hilarious.

Alex and I have basically been hyberating in our apartment now for the past few days. Last night we got out on the town! We went to eat at Panera Bread, yummm!!! I had broccoli cheddar soup and I was able to eat some softer pieces of bread. I also had a mango smoothie. My appetite was fixed!

We went over to the mall and did our own little shopping. I was able to finish up Christmas shopping and then I found a few tops great to finish out the winter season for school. New York and Co. had everything for 50% off! I was bumbed I didn't find any pants, but that just means I'll need to venture out again.

Alex and I got matching "Oshie" shirts for the Blue's games! They are pretty sweet!

Today, we are lounging again. I'm beginning to gain more energy throughout the day. We are going to stretch out my med dosage every 6 hours now. I woke up with a sore throat due to the dry air. Tonight we are planning on going out to Steve and Susan's house to play games with the family.

Day 25: iPod Shuffle

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, iPod, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
3. You must write that song name down no matter how silly it sounds. DON'T CHEAT!!!
"Holiday" - Jimmy Buffet
Does this mean I'm laid back? lol.

"Diggin That Grave" -Faith No More
Oh my! This actually isn't how I am right now.
"Monday Morning" - Fleetwood Mac
"Build Me Up Buttercup" - Kids Pop Reggae

"Plush" - Stone Temple Pilots
This is very ironic considering their lead singer is a crackhead.
f.y.i. I would never kill anyone.

"Desperation" - Miranda Lambert
I actually don't like desperate people. But when I'm desperate for somthing, there is a rush of adrenaline, which I do like!

"Self-Esteem" - The Offspring
Again, ironic. I loved them in concert!

"Santa Claus is Comin to Town"- Polar Express Soundtrack
SO WEIRD!!!!!!!!! Christmas Eve is Friday night!

"Beautiful" - Creed
Another crazy true statement! Another great song!
"Keep Your Hands to Yourself" - Georgia Satellites
I'm officially laughing out loud! It's so true!

"Just Like You" - Three Days Grace
Frenemies? Good song though.
"What's Not to Like" - Hannah Montana Soundtrack
My little friends made me put this on my itunes. Pretty funny though!

"Waiting on the World the Change" - John Mayer
Sincerely, yes.
"When I Look to the Sky" - Train

"Little Moments" - Brad Paisley
This is very true. Alex thinks this song is about us.

"Want You Bad" - The Offspring
"Waiting in Vain" - Bob Marley
"Moon River" - Frank Sinatra
Definitly NO!
"Shake Me Like a Monkey" - Dave Matthews Band

"Tennessee River Run" - Darryl Worley

"Dive In" - Dave Matthews Band
"Coconut Telegraph" - Jimmy Buffett

"God is Love" - Praise Collection

"Just As I Am" - Nichole Noredman

"Cowboy in the Jungle" - Jimmy Buffett
Haha! That one's for you Magpie.
"Today Was a Fairytale" - Taylor Swift
My life is a fairytale!
This was so much fun! I recommend it to anyone wanting to get some laughs out of their music collection!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 24: Something I Have Learned

Well, there are many things which I have learned within this first year of being married, out on my own, teaching, etc.

Never go to bed angry.
Discussing dishes in our house is never a positive thing.
Alex does laundry, I fold it and put it away.
We each have our own side of the bed.
I always get out of bed first.
NOT having cable isn't really THAT bad.
Having good friends is what gets me through the week.
Good husbands leave the toilet seat down.
Being married for 6 months is like dating, you finally start to realize what annoys you.
Cleaning out your hair from the shower is important to people.
Kids are much smarter than people give them credit for.
Students always have opinions.
Teachers have a secret obsession with chocolate.
Writing assessments is not fun.
Grading papers is part of the job.
I get to hang out with kids and mold their minds everyday.
I'm blessed with every breath I take.


I had some sad news last night. Hannah, my teaching friend, called me to give me an update on how school was yesterday with the holidays parties, etc. She told me that one of my students was beat up by another student in our Pod. I was so upset. This student has come a long way of using self-control since the beginning of the school year. He's grown up a lot. We are still making progress. It is a work in itself.

Anyhoo, she explained to me what happened. After getting off the phone, I began to cry. I couldn't believe it. I cry over anything these days. I sat and thought about why I could have been crying. I called Emily to help me figure it out. She said that I'm so nurturing that I can't help but wish I was there to take care of things, of him. It's so true. I wish I would have been there just to hug him to make sure to tell him that I am very glad that he used self-control by not hitting back. I've now realized that I'm becoming very close with my students. I'm like their mother duck. If someone hurts them, I feel responsible and hurt as well. It's tough, being a teacher and having to always be brave and stick up for those who need it.

I think back to my teachers, many of them would've done anything for us. Others, not so much. For most of them, I think they would take the time to listen to what we needed to say. When I get back to school, I'm going to make sure to let my students know that I care about them.
Because knowing that someone cares about you is very important as a young person.

Thanks to my parents, grandparents, Alex and my friends, this is the person I am. Nurturing.
Deal with it.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Easy Mac = Heaven

Is it sad to say that being able to eat Easy Mac today has been a blessing?! Last night did not go well at all. I went to bed feeling fine. Alex ended up staying up all night like a little kid playing video games. I woke up twice to throw up. Altogether I woke up at least 6 times to use the restroom. Alex came in and checked on me quite a few times. He gave me medicine after the second time getting sick. He told me that it would make me feel better. I wasn't quite sure what would make me feel better other than sleeping. It got me through the morning. I woke up at 9a.m. and then I was ready for another dose. I've been sleeping nonstop the past two days.

I managed to eat 2 sliced peaches from a can and then a banana popsicle. What a meal! I then went off to bed, again. I woke up around 2ish and Alex was moving things in the spare room. He's calling it his office now. I'm not sure if I agree but I do not feel like giving my comments at the moment. Watched a movie this afternoon and looked at magazines. I got out of bed and made some Easy Mac which tastes soooo good to me!

The noodles are much softer and the portion is perfect for me right now. It's about half a cup, which is pretty much a meal for me. Alex is done working for today, he's playing his baseball game on the PS2. I'm hoping that I will be able to eat some other food by the weekend.

Really bumming tonight, I'm missing my class's Christmas Program. It was supposed to be this past Thursday night (we ended up havin a snow day). It was post-poned til tonight. Unfortunately, the students will not have me there to "watch" them as well as I'm missing out! They've worked so hard. Tomorrow is the last day of school before break and I'm sure all of the teachers are school are ready! I've got a parent volunteer coming in to help run the party. She's so brave and I cannot thank her enough for taking that responsibility while I'm gone. I owe her big!

As for tonight, taking a movie back; family coming into town, sleeping. What's new?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

No Tonsils Day 3

Last night did not go so well. We went over the Steve and Susan's for dinner. Well, Alex did. They had made beer bread (which smelled so good) and pasta. I had my good ol' KFC mashed taters'. I took about an hour nap while I was there and then we sat down for dinner. I ate about a cup of mashed potatoes and then the rest of my Sprite. I was feeling better after eating and at eight oclock I took another dose of my meds.

The plan was to go look at Christmas lights in Jackson and the Cape County park. I felt fine and since we were not going to be out in the cold, I was pretty confident I would do fine. Alex drove our car to the apartment and then we would go through another subdivision before going to pick him up. Well, the subdivision we went through had many curving and winding roads. After getting into town, we stopped at Rhodes and everyone got hot chocoloate, except for me. I began feeling sick to my stomach. I realized that the medicine and riding in the backseat of the car was not going so well. Of course, with my experience of peuking, I have wonderful timing. I asked Steve to pull over. I ended up getting sick.

We stopped by the apartment and Alex got me a small pill which is supposed to help with nausea. It dissolved in my mouth and it had to be the most disgusting medicine I've ever had in my entire life. It tasted like old grape medicine mixed with metal. Blech! I ate that and felt fine for about 20 minutes. That was until I realized that we were again going through another subdivision with winding roads. We kept going back and forth and I found myself feeling so down that I asked Steve to pull over, once again. At this point, I was so ready to go home. The first time wasn't so bad, the second time was terrible. I felt more acid running across my battle wounds and that just made me feel like crap.

Steve and Susan took us home, I'm a total party pooper. I got a call from mom this morning giving me a lecture over how I needed to stay home last night. I didn't think it would bother me at all. I've been fine this whole time. I think a big part of it was just my body trying to relax and I'm not used to riding in the back seat of a car. These narcotics they've given me are really strong and I'm totally out of it for about an hour after I take it.

Let's just say I got home last night and didn't even want to take anymore medicine for the night. I took a shower and then went to bed, sick. I woke up in the middle of the night with my throat hurting worse than ever. I sipped on water every 15 minutes and then decided at 6:30 to eat about a half cup of applesauce and then take a dose. After that, I dozed off, finally comfortable and woke up at 9:15.

Emily, Derek, and Stratton came over to visit this morning. Alex made them breakfast, pancakes, eggs, bacon; and I sat, eating my yogurt. Boooo....

Stratton enjoyed playing with cereal and drinking his OJ. :) I took a dose around 10:45 before they left around 11:20. I woke up at 1:30. You can figure out that my naps have been quite long since Friday and Alex has realized that many of my days are beginning to run together.

Yes, Rest and Relaxation is my present and future.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Today is day 2 of my tonsillectomy. I went into the surgery with a positive attitude yesterday. I had expected much more pain though! This is the first surgery which Alex has been there and witnessed. He did very well.

As I got dressed and ready in my bed, the nurse gave me some loopy medicine she called it and I sat a relaxed. The Doc came in and explained a bit more before the surgery and then afterwards. At one point I was drowsy, the next thing I know, I wake up to blurred vision and the nurse came over to lift my back up. She gave me some Sprite. After that, I was ready. Alex and mom came in to have a look at me. I felt fine. Definitly tired, but I even had an appetite. The nurses were very impressed. Mom took me home while Alex ran to Walmart to get my prescription. He had to wait in line for 30 minutes before he came home. Mom and I stopped at Dairy Queen for a good ol chocolate shake. It felt so nice going down my throat.

When Alex arrived home, he and mom ate lunch in the other room so that I would not be hungry. I didn't care. I still felt nice from the anesthesia. ;) We relaxed and hung out for a bit. I took a nap and when I woke up Alex and I spent some quality time together. He showed me his presentation for work and then we took his projector and watched a few movies on the wall! We had a big screen tv!

Going to bed was easy, I started reading "Gone With the Wind" and went to bed around 10. I woke up in the middle of the night in pain and suprisingly Alex jumped up out of bed to get me my medicine. This will go down in history! Waking up, I again needed some medicine. That stuff is good, but it does ware off 4 hours later on the dot. All in all, Alex has been doing a great job as my nurse and caretaker. He keeps asking me if I feel alright.

Today we are just lounging. He's been playing video games and I've been reading/napping on and off. Today, my throat is a bit more painful. There are scabs beginning to form in white patches. We laugh and say that I sound like a deaf person who is hearing themselves for the first time. Honestly, it is much harder to talk today. My tongue is even swollen in the back. Drinks up to healing! Right now my diet includes: pudding, applesauce, gravy, Sprite, water, ice, shakes, yogurt. I've already lost 4 lbs.!

More to come....from the Diary of a Hungry Girl.

Day 23: My Favorite Vacation

Disney World
I was seven years old and my dad and step-mom took me to Disney World. It was a dream come true. So much has changed in the park since then and many parts have been added on. I will never forget that vacation. I want to take Alex someday as well as our future family. I do not have my pictures uploaded onto my computer. But don't worry, we will get back there sooner or later.

Day 22: A City that I Love

Orcas Island
Off the coast of Seattle, WA
We used to go camping here. It's such a beautiful place. This is where we took a Whale Watching Excursion. It was one of the best experiences ever. They are beautiful creatures.
The Inn pictured above was where we had stayed at on one trip. We had gone camping a few other times.

One of my most memorable experiences at Orcas Island other than whale watching was getting stung twice on one trip. The first time I was stung was on the Ferry Boat on our way there and then again the next day, a bee had crawled up my shorts and stung me as I ate my lunch at a little cafe. Needless to say...I'm sweet!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 21: Pictures of Myself

Here are a few of the pics which I literally grabbed from my file. It's so crazy how fast time flies. It feels like yesterday I was in high school.
Corny pic of me at high school graduation! Age 18
Feeding goats at the zoo! Freshmen in college. Age 19

First day of school! Age 22

The City Museum! Age 22

Trails End Camp Olympics! Age 20

Day 20: Nicknames

Here are a few of my nicknames throughout the years:

Old Lady
Mrs. Skeleton
Just to name a few.....;)

Day 19: Something I Miss

I miss being able to not have a care in the world. What happened? I grew up. Not having bills, responsibility, or drama was nice at one point.

But now, having a job, a husband, and responsibilities for 26 crazy students is a fun and very blessed thing.

I guess we all have to grow up at some point. What's scary is that life comes at you fast. If you don't pay attention, it can pass you all by.

Day 18: Regrets

I've been learning to live without regrets. I do however have a few from my past. I regret not trying harder in high school with academics. I never really had to study for my exams or tests. If I would have, where would I be today?

Also, I regret not spending more time with my friends. I get so caught up in the day to day life that I seem to lost track of time. It is flying by so fast and before we know it, we will be middle-aged with kids going off to sport practices.

All in all, I try my best to live without regrets. What's meant to be will be.

Day 17: Somthing I Look Forward To

I am looking forward to this summer. Alex and I are planning a trip out to California to visit with family but also take our first vacation together. With Alex's new job, we will be able to travel and spend time together in the summer. We've been talking about going to the Grand Canyon as well as Washington State. Who knows!

Day 16: My Dream House

This would be my master bedroom dream with a fireplace and a great view.
Here is the master bath with the perfect tub!

Here is a great design of a sweet nursery I would love to create someday.

Of course, we will have to tie in fishing somehow someday.

Awesome teen room!

Guest room.

Basement with bar!

Dainty laundry room. If a laundry room looks and smells clean, you feel better knowing your clothes are there.

Quaint living room.

Family great room!

My dream kitchen with marble countertops, shabby chic cabinets, it brightens up the kitchen! I also love the art on the wall.

Backyard escape. The pool would just be behind those trees.

And here is the real deal! I want a wrap-around porch so Big Al and I can sit on the front porch. We would most likely live near a lake. Go-figure.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 15: Bible verse

Matthew 5:4-12
The Beattitudes
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
For they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
For they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who
hunger and thirst for
For they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for
righteousness sake.
For theirs is the Kingdom of heaven

Day 14: A Picture That I Love

Day 13: Goals

My goals for 2011:
Lose 10 lbs.
Begin exercising together 3 times a week.
Donate 10 inches of my hair to Locks of Love.
Always be thankful for what I have no matter what.
Save more money.
Try a new recipe every week.
Finish decorating our home by getting curtains and new furniture.
Read a new book each month.
Read my bible each day.
Listen to music I would not usually listen to.
Blog more often...oops!
Take a vacation and do not make an itenerary.
Make a blanket.
Ask Grandma to teach me to sew on a sewing machine.
Eat smaller portions.
When I go to Walmart, I won't stand in line griping about other people.
Always smile.

Day 12: What I Believe

I believe that....
Jesus is our savior,
I am a good person,
there is such a thing as Santa Claus,
you can never give up on things you love,
all food is soul food,
your mother usually knows you best,
Goonies never say, "die",
it's the little things in life that matter,
and that love never fails.

Day 11: Favorite TV Shows

Here are a few of my favorite tv shows. It's tough considering Alex and I do not have cable. We watch a lot of tv either at our friends' houses or online. I usually watch: Grey's Anatomy, Glee, Desperate Housewives, The Office, and just a few others. I do not watch as much tv as I used to. We are hoping to get tv this spring.

Day 10: Something you're afraid of.

I am VERY afraid of:

SPIDERS, SNAKES, CREEPY CRAWLEYS, and weird people. hehe.

Day 9: A Picture of My Friends

This is Claire. My sister-in-law. She's a mess.
This is Ebock, Cory, and Maggie, a few of our closest friends.
Derek, Emily, and my boyfriend Stratton!
Amanda, my friend and hairdresser. I don't know what I would do without her!

Whittney, my neighbor, friend, and vino partner!

These are the people I hold dear to my heart. I'm not sure what kind of person I would be today without them in my life. They have spunk, character, and personality. Just like me. :)

Day 8: A Place I've Traveled

One of my favorite places in the world is NYC!
We made a quick trip in one day when we worked at Trails End Camp in PA. We were literally there in the city for 8 hours. In those short hours, I fell in love.....with the shops, the people, the buildings, history, etc. Alex and I hope to go back someday.
Times Square

In front of a Starbucks, our first pic in NYC!

A Forever 21...we also saw MACY's!

Dylan's Candy Bar...AMAZING! Candy was everywhere!

The Empire State Building. Many a great movies filmed here.

Day 7: My Favorite Movies

My favorite movies:

Meet Me in St. Louis
My Fair Lady
You've Got Mail
Never Been Kissed
White Christmas
Peter Pan
Forrest Gump
Sleepless in Seattle
Steel Magnolias
Home Alone
3 Days After
Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Music Man

Post-poned Day 6 of 30: Something That Makes Me Happy

One thing that always makes me happy no matter what is waking up to snow! This morning, that's exactly what happened! Even though knowing Alex will have to drive in it all the way to Kansas City, just knowing that the unique flakes are dropping throughout the night and day makes me smile. I also like to get cooped up inside drinking hot cocoa and watching movies. What a day!