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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Life Has Turned Upside Down!

Wow! I am just now getting back to blogging! It's been too long but I've had a pretty good reason why I haven't been doing it. I had our beautiful, charming, handsome SON! It was so exciting and exhilarating! Not finding out what we were going to have was one of the best things I've ever done in my entire life. 

Everett Dale Skelton
8 lbs. 7 oz.
10:12 p.m. 
19 hours of labor

Here is the first picture of our family! 
 I was so happy after pushing for an hour and a half that he was finally here. The nine months of waiting was so worth it along with the anticipation of finding out whether or not this baby was a girl or a boy. Everett is such a blessing and a gift from God to us. Alex and I are such proud parents and we would never go back.

Here is the first picture of Everett meeting grandparents in the hospital. He was only about an hour or two old! I love how the flash is there for the unforgettable moment.

The first week home was hard but wonderful because it was just the three of us for a few days. We got to spend those precious moments "just us". Alex and I transitioned into the idea of, "It's not just you and me anymore," and we were so happy to enjoy the first moments of parenthood. The late nights and the diaper changes didn't matter, it was getting to know Everett that we treasured most. :)

Here is a picture of our first week together. Needless to say, it was perfect.

Here are the first three months of Everett's life. Just a few pictures! 

This is Everett Dale at one month; snoozing with Daddy. 

Two months old and he looks like he's all grown up! It was overnight! He likes this new toy but not quite ready.

Here is Everett Dale at 3 months. What a ham! Every morning when I come in his room as he is crying, I get this "look" of, "Hello Beautiful!" 

Here are just a few more glimpses into our little slice of heaven.

What a happy baby! We are so blessed!