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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wakin Up with Mama

Yes, it's Saturday. Yes, I woke up at 6:30 kind of freaked out that it was a school day. I fell asleep on the couch last night watching a movie on Netflix. When Alex got home he got me up and took me to bed. Falling asleep on the couch doesn't happen too often. After having Maggie over to drink a bit of wine and to watch a movie while laughing constantly, I must have been tired.

As I wake up, I hear a "gurgle" coming from my bathroom toilet. It was doing it yesterday but I hadn't thought anything of it. I've discovered that it means that the fill valve (the tube that lets water in) may be too high and it's trying to let water out; or it's damaged. My challenge today is going to be to fix it. Yes, I need to grade a few papers and yes, I need to clean the bathrooms too. I would feel so productive if I were to FIX the toilet! I could call myself a plumber!

Sitting here typing, I have to laugh. I hear Everett talking in his crib and he's kind of grunting. We know what that means. It's so precious when I hear him yawning first thing in the morning too. That kid just melts my heart. He's a mama's boy through and through. Last night at Target and Lifeway, we got so many complements about how he was "such a good boy". :)

While we were at Target, literally as I was putting the last item we needed in the cart, Everett was in my arms and all of a sudden I felt something super warm on my side. Yes, that would be his diaper leaking on my shirt. I took that as a cue to head home. It was past his bedtime and we needed to get home anyway. Thankfully, mama wore a black Jackson shirt to school today.

As we got home, Everett went down to bed perfectly. Maggie and I stayed up watching "The Sweetest Thing" with Cameron Diaz and Christina Applegate (one of my favs). Haha! We also drank a bit of wine with that. Much needed wine after our week of work.

So....Friday night turns into Saturday morning. Everett wakes up by 7:15, thankfully I woke up just enough earlier, and Papa Bear is catching all the snoozing he can get. This weekend, my goal is to try to get some relaxation in, cleaning, school work, and I'd also like to start a new craft. My next big project is to paint our front door red. Let's hope it works!