hot bliggity blog

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcoming the New Year 2013!

As we closed the 2012 year, I've come to realize that it was the hardest year and the most rewarding year of my life. At this time last year, we were anticipating the arrival of our lil' guy Everett. After he arrived in April, our world was complete. In late July, our season changed. Alex being laid off at DeVry, me going back to work, Everett growing. It was a hard change, but it was going to happen sooner or later. 

Going back to work after having Everett has been one of the toughest things I've ever gone through. It's gotten better of course, but I still remember the first day of school, crying, thinking about how I had to do my job at school instead of doing my most important job at home. 

This fall/winter season, things turned around. Alex got a job at Beef O Brady's, my class is wonderful and I wouldn't trade them for any other, and Everett is just such a sweet baby. 

In the fall, I decided to begin selling Vault Denim (jeans), and a month later, I decided to also sell Scentsy (wickless candles). I have a deep desire to sell products that I love. I also have a desire to comfort my family financially. Alex and I are determined people and we are doing our best to save and pay off some debt. I hope and pray that we are doing the right thing for our family. There are many direct sales options out there, but these two companies will help our family through our hard work. 

With the 2013 year here already, there are so many goals I'd like to make/experience. Our calender is filling up quite quickly:

April - Everett's First Birthday
May - School is out
June - Alex's Birthday/Teaching Summer School
July - A possible trip to CA to see Family/Ali's Wedding (good friend's wedding)
August - School starts
September - 
October - Maggie's Wedding (best friend's wedding)/Amanda's Wedding
November - 
December - 

My goal this year is to keep things simple. I'd like to get at least 2 people on my team with Scentsy and I'd like to begin saving for a new car/SUV/van sometime this year. I want to paint our front door red and the shutters black. I want to be able to spend one entire day reading. I want to take a vacation. I want to go back to school for my masters degree. I want to landscape for our house. I want to clean out our garage. I want to plant flowers. I want to begin getting ideas to finish the basement. There are so many things I'd like to do. I hope that I will slow down and focus on one thing at a time.