hot bliggity blog

Sunday, May 5, 2013


 Since Everett's turned one, it seems like life is moving just a little bit faster. A few of these pictures are our FIRST family pictures taken on purpose. I love them dearly. These moments I will always cherish. Family is everything and God is constantly guiding us on our journey.

 The morning of Everett's first birthday.
 Goofing off with POP!
 Everett has such a curious spirit. I love watching him observe things outside. He is a thinker.
 This is a tear jerker for me. He is at the point in his life that he is taking steps. This is a much bigger event than I realized. He's not just taking steps, he's growing up. There will come a point in time when he won't need his mama like he did when he was just a baby.

 I love this picture of us kissing him. You can just tell he's taking it in.
 This is also one of my favorites of the three of us. So happy.
 This was the FIRST time he stood on his own for a long period of time.
 My baby boy. Look at those gorgeous brown eyes.
 YES, that is my husband on the left side of the screen at the Blues game. Hahaha!
 Don't worry, I will be getting this in a huge print for our house.

 One of my favs of Alex and Everett. My two guys are teddy bears.
 Adventure and hope in those eyes.
 They hold my heart in the palms of their hands.
 This is a fantastic MOMENT captured. Laughter and joy.
Again, curiosity and wonder. Everett is such a joy in our lives. Our family is growing in Christ with love everyday.

1 comment:

  1. What awesome pictures and memories!! Cherish them all as they grow up so fast! Seems like just yesterday Kayla was what age and now she will be graduating from 8th grade in less than three weeks!! Hugs to you all!
