hot bliggity blog

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


SIIIGGGHHHHH......AAAHHHHH... I've actually sat down to not only blog for the first time since school has started, but to also let off some steam. Holy moly guacamole, I had no clue that having a full time job teaching and having a baby at the same time was going to be this hectic! So many people told me that I wouldn't have as much time; but SERIOUSLY!? No time whatsoever for myself. I get lucky to have a shower everyday. 

So now that I'm done with my tantrum, I'll fill you in on the happenings of the Skeltons. With the schedule change of Alex's job, we basically tag team everyday. He gets to spend time with Everett in the morning while I pick him up from Nana's around 4-5 everyday. He's such a happy baby that it doesn't bother him much at all. The next couple of months will truly show how he likes it or not. 

Yesterday was Everett's 4 month check-up. He's doing fantastic! With height he is at 50%, with weight he's at 75%. Let's just say, he has no problems eating. I fed him with a spoon for the first time last night and he was very confused. Haha. Alex fed him carrots today and it was his first taste of real food! Tonight we are trying them again for supper. 

He's going to be fully on formula probably by the weekend. My decision to stop pumping at school and breastfeeding him was basically due to me feeling overwhelmed balancing job/home. I felt like I wasn't getting my work done at school like I needed to be. He's doing great with the transition. His poop is definitely different that's for sure. 

School is going well. I'm very blessed to have such a fantastic class this year. They're so sweet and respectful. This year is going to be wonderful. I just pray that I will be able to keep up with it all and not stress out.

It's still warm outside but it's going to be feeling like fall pretty soon. I can't wait!