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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Goodbye to Summer 2012

Summer 2012 has been a good time. I must say, it's been an adjustment becoming a mother and a parent but I wouldn't change it for the world. Alex and I are so thankful that we have God, each other, and loved ones surrounding us with support. A lot has happened in the past three months! 
Everett was born, we took a couple of small trips to KC, Lake of the Ozarks, etc. We also celebrated our first Mothers'/Fathers' Days! Also in May, we celebrated Tia Claire's high school graduation. In June, Alex and I celebrated two years of marriage; July was spent trying not to sweat. ;) 

July was a month of all seasons. There were tears, laughter, exhaustion, crying, giggling, you name it! When Alex was laid off from his job, God has us in mind. Not only have we been praying for Alex to get a job closer to home, but a job where he would be able to spend time with Everett on a daily basis. God did just that. Alex was hired at Beef O Brady's two days after getting the news (that doesn't happen), he's been so happy with training to be a manger! Yes, the hours are tough and the pay is much less than what we had before as a family income, BUT not only does Alex get to spend time with Everett everyday, he get's to stay home with him all day Tuesday and Thursdays!!! Blessing in disguise is what I call it. We will not have the burden of childcare costs hanging over our heads. 
I've learned this summer that I cannot live by my schedule whatsoever. It's God's timing. HE knows what we need and if we fully trust him and ask him for help in a time of need, he will gladly help us.

Alex, Claire, and I planned a Hillbilly Shindig party for Ben and Megan's wedding shower. It was a lot of fun and friends and family joined us for a good food, fun, and games. 

Also in July, Everett's baptism took place. It was such a blessing to experience this for my own child. It was a special day for Alex and I to stand up in front of the congregation and make a promise to God that we would raise Everett Dale in the church and to have a heart for God. 

Here are just a few pics from this summer and all of the fun we had!

My first Mothers' Day with Mom, Everett, and Hunter

Alex and I on our second anniversary. We were watching Hunter's baseball game after having lunch.
Dave Matthews concert in July with great friends: Maria and Brock Allen
On our way back from the lake, we stopped for lunch. Everett kept eyeing the frosty!
Everett and Maria
When Aunt Teresa and Uncle Gary came in to visit from CA, we just had to get the whole family together to celebrate her birthday! Here is the Colyer/Livesay family. 
He's such a ham.
Visiting Tia at work! DQ!
My wonderful friends Amanda Abner and Emily Williams
Ashley Foeste and Ella!
Loftis family reunion time.
I got this pic in a text message from my mom when she was watching him for an afternoon. Again, what a ham! 
This was an end of the school year party at Ms. Matthew's house. All of the teachers were swooning. 
First family trip to KC Missouri. Everett was only a month old. He did amazing in the car.
Alex's first Father's Day! With Papa Steve.
Snagged this pic on Father's Day morning to wake up Big Al!

One of my absolute favorite pics from this summer. I took this pic and made it into a coaster.
Cousin Robyn holding Everett! I was so proud of her. She's not really a baby person but she did great with him in the pool!

It's so hard to believe that we are going back to school in a week. I have to go back for meetings but the students don't arrive until the 16th. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited. At the same time, I don't want this magical summer to end with my little man! 
Summer 2012, you were an eventful one. Thank you for that.