hot bliggity blog

Friday, February 22, 2013

Back to School

Yes, it's true. "Back to school," is the saying in my mind. Today I signed up for classes as I called to find out that the Graduate program of Education Leadership accepted me for Summer 2013. The first two classes I will be taking are School Supervision and Curriculum for Leaders. These classes will be blended, so partially online as well in the classroom.

Monday was the day that I went up to SEMO campus to finalize my application and to pay the $30 fee. It was not fun. It was raining, I had to park at a meter, AND I was sent to three different places. Needless to say, I was tired after being there on the campus for 2 hours.

This summer will be tough, there's no doubt about it. Luckily, I'm teaching summer school which will help pay for a portion of my classes. I'm planning on filling out the FAFSA and hopefully we will qualify to get some financial help.
My goal is to pay class by class to get my Masters degree. The beauty of these summer classes is that when I get to six hours of credit, and when I get 8 hours, I will move over one step on the pay scale for Jackson r2. Yay!

I've discovered that if I stay on track and take two classes every semester, including summers, I will graduate in two years with my Masters degree in Educational Leadership. This is my goal for the next step of my life.

I kind of feel like Billy Madison, not wanting to go back, not wanting to grow up. I'd like to be able to just sit back and enjoy where I'm at. I also understand that if our family is to grow and and if we are wanting to work on our home more, I need to do this for my family and myself.

Alex and I have talked about how we would like to wait until Everett is 3 to have another child. This would put us after I graduate with my degree. We'd also like to finish the basement before we have another one too. We will definitely need the room!

Needless to say, we have goals and we have dreams. With hard work, dedication, discipline, and God's grace; we will succeed! 

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