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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 5: My Siblings

I have an extended family which I prayed for when I was a little girl. When I was 8, my stepmom, Robin, told me that I was going to have a little sister. I was so excited! Being an only child was getting boring. Hah! I actually helped name my little sister Allison. I remember getting her nursery ready and coming up with her name.

Not long after, my mom told me that she was pregnant and then she drove me up to drop me off with Robin to have a weekend with my dad. Robin told me she was the same day! I couldn't believe it. I began to laugh and say....,"You're joking. You can't be pregnant, my mom is pregnant." I still can't believe they both told me they were pregnant in the same day! What are the odds of that.

9 months later, Jared and Hunter were born. No, they are not twins. My mom, and stepmom both had them. They are exactly one month and 2 days apart. I literally got 2 brothers in one summer. Hunter was actually born when I was at Girl Scout Camp. Jared was born when I was visiting St. Louis for a weekend.

I was so excited just to get one sibling. Now I have 3!

Today, Hunter is taller than me and 13. He loves his PS3 and the new game Black Ops. He stayed with Alex and I for a few days and he's so laid back and doesn't cause trouble. He's a good kid. He's very involved with baseball throughout the year and loves the Cardinals.

Jared is also taller than me...13...and loves video games as well. He does enjoy reading much more than Hunter though. At school, he's on the tennis team. He was very involved with Boy Scouts but recently decided to drop out. He is on the Jazz Band and plays trombone.

Allison also plays trombone, they are always competing! She is very involved at school and helps out with the office running errands. She also loves to read and likes to hang out with friends and ALWAYS go to the mall. She is 14, about to be 15 in January.

This is so scary that they are growing up so fast. I was like their mini-mom. It almost scares me that it's happening so fast.

Now that Alex and I are married, I actually gained anothe sister and brother! Ben is 21 and Claire is 16. They have been almost like my siblings since Alex and I have started dating. Ben is out in Nebraska Concordia attending college. Claire attends Saxony Lutheran School and now driving.

They are all growing so fast. Alex and I are also getting older. I, soon to be 23, and Alex soon to be 25. Our insurance will go down!!!

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